The short films


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Unit 2 - Different reasons people migrate

Unit 2.1

The story of a man who moved from Slovacchia to Sweden to get a better education and to access new opportunities

Unit 2.2

A syrian family leave their home where there is a war to move to Northern Ireland

Unit 2.3

A lawyer working on Human Rights from Sudan moves to Riga

Unit 3 - Debunking some misconceptions about migrants

Unit 3.1

A man moves to Ireland to improve his life chances, starts a family and a business

Unit 4 - Different migrant statuses

Unit 4.1

Six americans move to Riga

Unit 4.2

An asylum seeker moving to Ireland, goes to school and makes a new life

Unit 5 - Persepctive on multiculturalism

Unit 5.1

A writer discussing contributions of migrants to Swedish populations.

Unit 6 - Challenges and opportunities faced by immigrants

Unit 6.1

A man from Slovacchia in Sweden discussing his experience in trying to find a job

Unit 6.2

An Afghan in Sweden discussing cultural differences faced by immigrants arriving there

Unit 6.3

A migrant sets up a business hoping to provide employment for 20 people in Ireland

Unit 7 - Stories of resilience

Unit 7.1

An Afghan family flee the war, go to Germany and then settle in Italy

Unit 8 - Integration and social inclusion

Unit 8.1

The immigrant writer explains how Sweden integrates migrants

Unit 8.2

How the Caritas took on disused land in a small town and created a social farm run by refugees and other disadvantaged groups

Unit 8.3

The Mayor of Castelpoto in Italy explains how a small municipality has welcomed 20 migrants seeking political asylum

Unit 9 - Immigrants success stories

Unit 9.1

The migrant who set up a business in Ireland motivating locals to set up their own businesses

Positive Story 1

A American explains community support provided to newcomers arriving in Latvia

Positive Story 2

A young, Somalian serving time in prison in Benevento is given the opportunity by Caritas to work on a local farm, and learn a profession, during the day before going back to prison in the evening.