Southern Regional College (SRC) provides training and education to over 3,500 full time learners and over 30,000 part time learners each year. SRC is the second largest college in Northern Ireland with a total of six campuses across the counties of Armagh and Down covering two district council’s areas. SRC offers first class education and an exciting learning environment for further and higher education. It has a compliment of 720 full time teaching staff and 470 support staff with an annual budget of £40 million. SRC works with over 100 community and voluntary groups covering over 1500 square miles within the southern region advising on courses available for adults within their community. SRC’s dedicated Community Learning Team ensures that adults have access to learning and training to improve their knowledge, skills and qualifications. In 2013/14 SRC delivered 484 sessions to 2966 learners (5021 enrolments), covering 73 different types of courses.
The college has recently managed a number of innovative projects for the migrant community including the transforming Learning Communities (TLC) Project (funded by the Big Lottery) and the Voice Project (funded by the PHA) and the Learning for Living Grundtvig Project. These projects enabled the College to deliver a range of non vocational courses and support services for the Migrant community. These projects reduced prejudice in the majority community and empowered the migrant community. The projects provided a wrap around service for the migrant community providing non vocational intergenerational learning, family support, welfare advice, mentoring support and guidance. SRC has was also commissioned to carry out research into the levels of involvement of minority ethnic communities in civic, community and political life in N.Ireland.